What to expect on your first appointment

We start your first appointment by asking questions about your condition and medical history, we then perform an examination including some simple movements and possibly some medical tests. It is important to remember you can remove your consent to any one diagnostic or treatment protocol at anytime, not just during your first appointment. In such a case, if you’re happy to proceed with further examination and treatment, your Osteopath can try an alternative approach in order to attempt to achieve the same result.


An inspection is then performed of where your pain is as well as palpating the area for restriction and tenderness. For this reason the area to be diagnosed and treat usually has to be made visible. To preserve modesty we either work around loose fitting clothing or provide shorts and surgical gowns. You are welcome to bring a friend or family member as a chaperone but unfortunately one can not be provided. Whilst, in order to obtain your consent, everything is explained during your appointment if you have any concerns, or don’t understand what is happening during your examination or treatment, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Once we have discussed the diagnosis with you, an Osteopathic treatment is performed using hands on Osteopathic manipulative therapy. Some conditions, however, are not suitable for Osteopathy in which case you will be referred to your doctor or appropriate healthcare practitioner. 

All information is recorded, stored and is accessible under data protection (GDPR) guidelines. Please refer to our privacy policy.

Although it’s not necessary, you can keep your GP informed that you are receiving Osteopathic treatment if you wish. In certain cases, with your permission, we may decide to send a report to your GP with details of your condition and our treatment. If you think it helpful we can also send a report to your employer.


“Will I be sore after my treatment?”

Whilst the techniques chosen are those deemed most appropriate for your condition, and personal preference, regardless of what techniques are used approximately half of all manual therapy patients experience some aching and general fatigue for about 24 hours after their treatment. However, 42% of these cases then result in ‘significant’ improvement.

These treatment reactions are more common after a patient’s first appointment, or when they present with multiple sites of pain, and more frequently affect women. More moderate treatment reactions, that again are just temporary, are less frequent, but occur in 1% of patients. If you have any concerns about feeling sore after a treatment then please feel free to contact the clinic for a chat before your appointment.