Patient Exercises

PLEASE READ: before undertaking ANY exercise or exercise program, to avoid risk of injury or any health complications, you should first consult an appropriate healthcare professional. Whilst every effort has been made to make these exercises safe and clearly explained it is impossible for this type of generic advice to be complete, safe and effective in every individual case.

CLICK ON ‘Read More’ to see the full image of the exercise with instructions, or, if there are multiple illustrations for the exercise all of the images, or to play anyone of the videos.


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Legs | Chest | Back | Abs | Shoulders | Arms | Hips/Glutes | Neck

Abs Darren Winter Abs Darren Winter

Oblique Crunches - Video

With your feet on a wall twist both knees to one side. Curl up in a straight vertical line looking directly up to the ceiling. Don't force your head forwards when you curl up. Repeat with your knees twisted in the opposite direction.

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Abs, Hips Darren Chandler Abs, Hips Darren Chandler

Side Crunches - Video

Lying on your side tense your stomach muscles and then lift your hip off the floor. Your top arm can either be pointing up to the ceiling, as illustrated in the video, or it can just rest on your side.

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Abs Darren Winter Abs Darren Winter

Transverse Abdominal Crunches - Video

Keep looking up to the ceiling and don't pull your head forwards when you curl up. To tilt your pelvis so your buttocks lift off the ground DON'T push your feet against the wall just clench your buttocks and abdominal muscles. As you curl up and lift your buttocks off the floor inflate the balloon. Open your mouth to let the air out of the balloon when you lower back down again. During COVID-19 make sure the balloon is sterile before use.

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Abs Darren Winter Abs Darren Winter

Abdominal Crunches With Pelvic Tilt - Video

Keep looking up to the ceiling and don't pull your head forwards when you curl up.

To tilt your pelvis so your buttocks lift off the ground DON’T push your feet against the wall just clench your buttocks and abdominal muscles.

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